Assistant Superintendent’s Office
Welcome from Assistant Superintendent Louise Seitsinger
Welcome to our Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction district web page. It is an honor and pleasure to support our district in improving teaching and learning. We are in a continuous cycle of building a comprehensive and cohesive system of curriculum that includes input from our entire school community. Our goal is for all students to have access to a guaranteed and viable curriculum. All administrators, teachers, and students should be clear regarding the grade level and content expectations. Through this web page we will share curriculum documents, current district goals, and other resources.
Louise Seitsinger Assistant Superintendent 2240 Mineral Spring Avenue p. 401-233-1100 EXT 3706 f 401-233-1106 email: | Debi Nassi Administrative Assistant 2240 Mineral Spring Avenue North Providence, RI p. 401-233-1100 EXT 3706 f. 401-233-1106 email: |
District Distance- Virtual Learning Policy RIDE approved 2024
Día de instrucción virtual/ a distancia
Plan de aprendizaje
para, El distrito escolar de North Providence 2024(Virtual/Distance Plan Spanish)
District Virtual/Distance Learning Plan – FAQ for Parents/Guardians
District Virtual/Distance Learning Plan – Employee/Staff Guidance
District Virtual/Distance Learning Plan-Summary
Here is a quick summary from our Distance Learning Plan which has been approved by the RI Department of Education. Please refer to the NPSD Distance Learning Plan for more specific information. You may also reach out to your child’s teacher and/or principal with any questions you may have. Students will engage with all classes scheduled on that day (including specials.) Students complete work according to a typical schedule and individual ability. However, there will be a schedule at all levels with a minimum of 3 hours Synchronous learning balanced with Asynchronous learning. Synchronous versus Asynchronous
1. Teachers will post assignments to their existing Google Classrooms or Class Dojo.
2. Teachers will also support students through direct instruction ( a minimum of 3 hours for the day) using Google Meets.(Typically ELA and Math are supported through live instruction.)
Teachers will post assignments to their existing Google classrooms for asynchronous learning.
Teachers will utilize a Google meet to instruct their classroom at the specific class meeting time of the calendar rotation. ( a minimum of 3 hours for the day) This will be posted in the team email as well as conveyed to the students in the morning advisory.
Each team has a listserv specific to the students they serve, to be able to send out a mass communication outlining the day’s activities.
Teachers use Google Form attendance documents to have students check-in. Some might use a question of the day everyone has to answer as what they count for attendance. Either way, teachers will enter attendance for each period’s class so the day’s attendance can be recorded appropriately.
Teachers have tasks running throughout the week and engage through online posted assignments, tasks, activities. Teachers are available through e-mail and online Google Meets. ( a minimum of 3 hours for the day)
Student Attendance: Per RI Department of Education, student attendance will take place each day. Students are expected to attend online or distance learning during this period of time from physical school. Here are the schedules they will be adhering to for the Distance Learning Day – please see below:
Elementary/Middle/NPHS 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m
This will happen in the following way:
– Teachers will determine student attendance daily and by periods (MS/HS) by one of the following, as determined by the individual teacher:
– Using Dojo, Padlet, Google Classroom, Virtual meetings, Student email, etc.
– Attendance will be recorded into Skyward Student Portal.
– School secretaries, administrators, support staff may call students who have not logged in each day
If our Distance Learning period is extended in any way:
– After several (2) consecutive days of not being “present”, support staff and/or principal will reach out to families
– In the event of all of the above attempts being unsuccessful, students will be referred to the truancy officer for support
Typical Daily Virtual/Distance Learning Schedules:
Parents/Guardians will receive specific schedules from our schools.
Elementary Roles Student/Teacher/Parent/Guardian
Sample Elementary Schedule Grades K – 5
Secondary (Middle/High School) Roles Student/Teacher/Parent/Guardian
Sample Recommended MS/HS Schedule Grades 6-12
Virtual/Distance Learning Applications and Services (ALL HYPERLINKED – Click on each word/words)
Social Emotional/Other Supports:
KIDSLINK 1-855-543- 5465
TRI TOWN Community Emergency Services: 401-519-1914
Reading Wonders ELA (Gr.K-5)
Study Sync ELA (Gr. 6-12)
Reveal Math (K – 12)
PALS Math (Gr. K -6)
IXL (Gr. K -12)
Aleks (Gr. 6 -12)
Achieve 3000 (Gr. 6-8)
Lexia Learning (Gr. K -12)
CORE 5 (Gr. K – 5)
POWER UP (Gr. 6-12)
Amplify Science (Gr. K – 8)
Keyboarding without Tears (Gr.K-5)
Fundations ( Gr.K-2)
RULER Program (Gr. Pre K – 12)
Parent/Student Portal
Video Conferencing:
Google Meet
NP Public Library
NPHS Library
Mail Zoom