Foreign Language Curricula

Scope and Sequence for ___Exploratory Spanish/Italian______ Grade _6___

Semester Course effective 2015-16

QuarterUnitTitleInstructional Days
1Greetings (formal/informal cultural differences) and expressions, alphabet and pronunciation.
SpanishCalendar: date, months, seasons and weather, and birthday
Numbers (1-50)
 Culture related to calendar: Spanish calendar begins with lunes (Monday); months and seasons are not capitalized.
2Greetings (formal/informal cultural differences) and expressions, alphabet and pronunciation.
ItalianCalendar: date, months, seasons and weather, and birthday
Numbers (1-50)
Culture related to calendar: Italian calendar begins with lunedì (Monday); months and seasons are not capitalized.

Scope and Sequence for __Intro to Spanish______     Grade ___7___

Semester course for 15-16

QuarterUnitTitleInstructional Days
1 & 2Review (survey class): introduction, greetings, date,alphabet, weather,likes/dislikes with activities; numbers 0 to 100, subject pronouns, time, class objects, body parts, noun endings, pluralization, definite and indefinite articles, description with Ser noun/adjective agreement,
cultural readings (pertaining to topics above), conversation, listening activities  and vocabulary are  aligned to topics with respect to context and linguistic content.

Scope and Sequence for ____Spanish_____________________ Grade ___8_____

Year long effective 2015-2016

QuarterUnitTitleInstructional Days
1Review introduction topics
subject pronouns and verb conjugations ar, er, ir verb conjugations, indirect object pronouns (with gustar) with vocabulary in context such as food, healthy lifestyles, verb Estar and prepositions of location (with classroom object vocabulary)Use verb traer (with food) and hacer (with exercise) (irregular verbs)
cultural readings,conversations, listening activities and vocabulary are aligned to topics with respect to context and linguistic content
2school schedules with verb Tener, ordinal numbers, time, school subjects, verb IR (+ a+place/infinitive), interrogatives, leisure activities,
cultural readings, conversations, listening activities and vocabulary are aligned to topics with respect to context linguistic  content
3continue with interrogatives, family vocabulary, possession,possessive adjectives, review verb tener descriptions with Ser and noun /adjective agreement,  
cultural readings, conversations, listening activities  and vocabulary are aligned to topics with respect to context and linguistic content
4Ser and Estar, stem changing verbs (e to ie, o to ue, u to ue, e to i) , rooms in the house, comparisons, colors
cultural readings, conversations, listening activities and vocabulary are aligned to topics with respect to context linguistic  content

Scope and Sequence for Italian Grade 8

Year long effective 2015-2016

QuarterUnitTitleInstructional Days
1alphabet, numbers 0-49; basic greetings/conversations
classroom rules practices
calendar, date, months, seasons
 noun endings, plurals
definite articles/indefinite articles/c’è ; ci sono linked with vocabulary for the city
subject pronouns/essere/descriptive adjectives , nationalities and agreement
Culture: tu and Lei; geography (regions and their capital cities, borders, rivers and lakes, volcanoes) calendar, leisure time
2numbers 50 to 1,000,000,000
sentences using noun adjective agreement
avere with idiomatic expressions
prepositions and prepositional  contractions
question words
 vocabulary for school /subjects, classroom objects
Culture: school system, Money (Euro), architecture and famous locations of Ancient Rome,
3conjugations are, ere, ire, ire/isc
question words, foods, partitive, adverbial prepositions
piacere with indirect object pronouns
vocabulary for foods, birthday party
Culture: food, eating, celebrations, holiday, Onomastico (Name day)
4irregular:andare, bere, stare,fare,dire,potere,volere,dovere, uscire, venire
idiomatic expressions with fare
telephone vocabulary
direct object pronouns
family,possessive adjectives
sapere vs. conoscere
Culture: The family, art and music