8:40 a.m. Students may come into the schoolyard, and will be supervised by yard monitors. If the weather is inclement, students will be supervised in the gym.
We know that breakfast is an essential to start each child’s day off right. That’s why breakfast is provided to students during first period, at no cost.
8:50 a.m. The “line-up” bell rings, signaling the opening of the doors of the school.
8:55 a.m. The school-day begins.
3:12 p.m. Students are dismissed.
Dear families and community members,
The Whelan environment represents many things: Diversity, relationships, individualism, high expectations and reachable goals, as well as innovation, concentration, and exploration. Our youngest learners blossom throughout these crucial years of their education, and we lay the groundwork and foundation for their success as learners.
Students enter Whelan Elementary’s doors with wonder, curiosity, energy, and plenty of questions, and by the time they graduate from 5th-grade and move onto middle school, they leave with a greater understanding and appreciation for communication, science, math, literacy, teamwork, and the arts. They make discoveries, connections, and lifelong friendships as they build their confidence, self-esteem, and web of knowledge. That web only continues to grow as students progress through their education, which is ever-changing. We partner with our students and their families to ensure time at Whelan is as exciting as it is scholarly.