TITLE IX: Policy and Protocol for Investigating Sexual Harassment/Retaliation
New Title IX regulations, issued by The Secretary of Education and take effect on August 14, 2020, amends the regulations implementing Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX). The final regulations specify how recipients of Federal financial assistance covered by Title IX, including elementary and secondary schools, must respond to allegations of sexual harassment consistent with Title IX’s prohibition against sex discrimination. The revised regulations are intended to effectuate Title IX’s prohibition against sex discrimination by requiring recipients to address sexual harassment as a form of sex discrimination in education programs or activities.
Please follow this link to the North Providence School District policy and protocol.
Please follow this link for forms when filing a complaint.
The Title IX Coordinator contact information is as follows:
For conduct involving students:
Louise Seitsinger
Assistant Superintendent
2240 Mineral Spring Avenue
North Providence, RI 02911
For conduct involving employees:
Matthew Hicks
Director of Human Resources
2240 Mineral Spring Avenue
North Providence, RI 02911
*For conduct involving both employees and students, or conduct involving third parties, reports may be made to either Title IX Coordinator.