Parent Teacher Organization
PTO President: Mrs. Tammy La Mountain
Arrival Procedures (Updated)
Due to the change in breakfast/lunch information from the item above, there will be a slight adjustment to the breakfast procedures. The information below regarding where students enter the building does not change. Upon entering the building, all students, regardless of grade, will be ushered to the gym to sit in their class line. We will call each grade level students to report to the cafeteria for breakfast, if they are purchasing or qualify for free breakfast. At 8:55, we will begin dismissing classes from the gym, with their teacher. If students are still in the cafeteria eating, they will be allowed to finish up prior to being sent to class. If a student arrives after 8:55am, and they would like to purchase breakfast, they will report to the cafeteria, pick up their breakfast, and eat in their classroom.
Bus Students: These students are dropped off at our side door and enter the building at 8:45. They will walk directly into our gym and sit in the line designated for their teacher.
Grade 2-5 Drop Offs/Walkers: These students will be dropped off to the front doors of the building. Cars should line up down Salem Drive while waiting. Doors will open at 8:45, and students will be directed to the gym, where they will sit in the line designated for their teacher.
Grade K-1 Drop Offs: These students will be dropped off at the side doors near the K/1 wing of the building (Barrett Ave). Students will be sent down the hall to another adult, who will direct students into our gym. Here, they will sit in the line designated for their teacher.
Dismissal Procedures
Bus Students: Bus students in grade K-2 will be walked down to the gym. They will sit on one of the four white lines, depending on their bus number. As we receive confirmation that the bus has arrived, we will send out the K-2 students. Bus students in grade 3-5 will walk down to the bus door when their bus is called. This will continue until all buses are called.
Grade 2-5 Pick up: After all of the buses are called, “parent pick-ups” will be notified over the loud speaker. The remaining students will walk down to the main entrance with their teacher. Cars will line up using Salem Drive. Teachers will wait in front of the school with students. As the car arrives to the front of the line, we will dismiss the child.
Grade K-1 Pick-up: After all of the buses are called, “parent pick-ups” will be notified over the loud speaker. These students will utilize the side door by Barrett Ave for dismissal. Parents should line up here. If there are older siblings for pick-up, they should report to the K-1 hallway for pick-up.