Centredale Elementary School
41 Angell Avenue
North Providence, R.I. 02911
Phone: (401) 233-1145
Fax: (401) 232-5279
Donna Hanley
Donna Hanley.npsd.k12.ri.us
Dear families and community members,
Centredale is a place where exploration, rigor, creativity, and individualism are valued. Our school is more than a learning institute – it is a place where the youngest learners dip their toes into the ever-changing pool of knowledge. The hallmark of our school is student success – in academics, socially, and emotionally.
We are blessed to have these inspirational and curious young learners pass through our halls each day, and we’re here to help you and your child make the most out of the Centredale experience.
We know that learning never stops, and we are thrilled that we have the opportunity to work with the youngest learners in the district to set them on a path of wonder, discovery, and success.
The misison of Centredale Elementary School community is to engage in a lifelong process of learning.
Teachers and staff will provide a safe and challenging learning environment that promotes, nurtures, and sustains the social, academic, and emotional development of its diverse population.
Students will be active, responsible learners and self-motivated, critical thinkers who model good citizenship and value individual differences.
Families will become involved in our learning community by supporting the social, academic, and emotional development of all children.