Greystone Elementary School
100 Morgan Avenue
North Providence, R.I. 02911
Phone: (401) 233-1130
Fax: (401) 232-5403
Lorraine Moschella
Greystone Elementary School is a PK-5 school located in the community of North Providence. Greystone has a strong neighborhood identity, as a number of families walk their children to school each morning. At Greystone we believe in building positive relationships within our school community where student and family voice, choice and interests are valued. In our classrooms students are driving their learning by actively engaging in rigorous lessons while setting goals, reflecting on progress, and working towards mastering skills.
At Greystone, students are encouraged to put forth their best effort and display positive character traits. Students do not go unrecognized when they display respect, responsibility and safety to self and others. Greystone students are fortunate to participate in a number of afterschool activities ran by our active PTA, as well as a number of teachers and support professionals. Activities include a Grades 4 and 5 Drama Club, yearbook, and book clubs, to name a few! We also have Kids Klub at Greystone, which provides before and after school care to assist our working parents.
Greystone students engage in a curriculum based on the Common Core Standards. Teachers use a variety of materials to help meet the needs of all learners including My Math, Wonders, Fundations, Amplify Science, and IXL. Each student has a Chromebook which allows us to personalize learning! The Greystone school community certainly recognizes the importance of creating a strong foundation for students in order for them to achieve academic success and lifelong learning.
Our Mission
What We Believe; Our Vision Statement:
At Greystone School we believe in building positive relationships within our school community where student and family voice, choice and interests are valued.
How We Are Going to Get There; Our Mission Statement:
In our classrooms students are driving their learning by actively engaging in rigorous lessons while setting goals, reflecting on progress, and working towards mastering skills.
Dear Greystone Elementary Community,
Welcome to Greystone Elementary School.